欢迎来到现实世界. 当人们使用这个短语时, 他们通常的意思是:欢迎来到这个世界, 不像理论上可能的那样.

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜(University of Phoenix)的讲师把这个想法描述得恰到好处. 现实世界的成功取决于现实世界的经验,所以 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜现实世界的教员 bring an average of more than 28 years of professional 行业 experience to the classroom as of the 2023 reporting year. 此外,他们平均有16年的UOPX教学经验.


考虑到, 同年, UOPX的教师在商业领域担任职务, 行业, Healthcare, 教育及其他界别的数字如下:

此外,在2023年报告年度, 58%的教官是女性, 12%是黑人/非裔美国人, 4%是两个或两个以上的种族, 4%为亚洲人,3%为西班牙裔/拉丁裔.

所有这些加起来就是一个经验丰富的人, 多元化的教师不仅有几十年的工作经验, 同时也在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜长期执教. They have a deep underst和ing of what makes adult learners tick 和 how to help them succeed academically.


“The reason our faculty stay is so many of them believe they are making a difference in their profession 和 a difference in the lives of their students,战略学院副教务长马克·布克说, 博士学位.

艾琳·布伦德尔,HROB经理, an instructor with University of Phoenix since 1996 和 a three-time 教师 of the Year award winner, 全心全意地呼应着这种情绪. As of November 2023, Blundell had taught 268 courses 和 4,059 students — 和 counting. 



他说:“我的学生小到16岁,大到75岁. They’re all in school because they want to move their lives forward through education. It’s so rewarding for us to help them 和 to be part of that journey,她说。. “老实说,这是一种荣幸. 我想其他教练也有同样的感觉.”

在一些大学,教师全职从事学术工作. At University of Phoenix, its practitioner faculty are required to have both academic credentials 专业领域的奖学金或经验.

Most faculty at University of Phoenix hold a degree one level higher than the subject level they teach. 还有其他标准来满足教师资格, which generally require meeting equivalent credentials through testing 和 currency of work experience — in alignment with requirements from the 大学的机构和项目认证机构. A full list of faculty credentials can be found by scrolling to the bottom of the University’s 教师登陆页.

University faculty bring experience from their real-world environments into the classroom too. “这不是他们的全职工作. 在大多数情况下,如果他们教授健康推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜,他们在Healthcare领域工作. 如果他们教商业,他们就会在商业和科技领域工作,”布克说.


“我们的许多学生都在寻求‘职业提升’或获得更多技能. 他们不是在找只会给他们一本书的老师. 他们想知道这本书如何应用于现实世界,”布克说.

这种知识和经验的结合归结为适用性. “It’s one thing for an instructor to emphasize the importance of having empathy at the patient’s bedside. But what if that instructor is working at the bedside — or managing nurses who are — 和 recently had to demonstrate empathy with an agitated patient who has just gotten bad news? That moves the faculty member from an academic perspective to an applied perspective,布克说.


布伦德尔是该大学的首席教师区域主席 通识学院, says there’s nothing like bringing real-world experience into the classroom. “There’s always something that has happened in professional settings that applies to our class discussion,她说。.



平衡生活和学习? UOPX的移情方法可以提供帮助

不仅如此,作为教学人员 在…之上 working other jobs, University faculty underst和 the unique time dem和s that their students face. “我们的教师告诉学生,‘是的,我们在这个领域全职工作. 是的,我们有家人. 是的,我们知道这很难,’”布伦德尔说.

作为教官之一 201年创 — the undergraduate entry-point course at University of Phoenix — Blundell knows her main role is to help get students comfortable with UOPX systems 和 build their confidence.

就我个人而言, she feels like she helps new students adjust to the transition of adding school 在…之上 what’s already on their professional plates. 我经常告诉我的学生, ‘I got my master’s in management from University of Phoenix in 1992 while I was working full time. 如果我能做到,”她会和善地笑着说,“你也能.’”


有执业教师在他们这边, 学生将获得对行业最佳实践和趋势的宝贵见解, along with potential career 和 networking allies in the professional fields they plan to enter — both with faculty 和 fellow students.

“我们保持班级规模相对较小. We know our students’ names 和 we know what their goals are,” Blundell says.

Sometimes University faculty members are even able to complement the work of academic counselors by helping students define their academic 和 career goals. “Sometimes a student 和 faculty member work together to unlock a career potential for that student,布克说. “老师可能会看到一些特别的东西,然后说, ‘This is what you need to home in on — 和 I know because I’m a hiring manager,’ or, 这些是我现在看到的趋势.’”

最后,它似乎起作用了. University students consistently report that University of Phoenix faculty are top-notch. When rating how likely they would be to recommend their instructor to other students (on a 0 to 10 scale, 10是极有可能的), 教师得分为8分.十分之九.*

这只是让它保持真实. 或者,推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 会说,现实世界.

*调查数据基于96,098名学生对推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜结束调查的回应. 所有回复都是在2021年9月2日至2022年8月31日期间收集的. 



一个journalist-turned-marketer, 劳里戴维斯 has been writing since her high school advanced composition teacher told her she broke too many rules. 自2017年以来,她一直在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜工作, 和 currently splits her time between blogging 和 serving as lead writer on the University’s 学术年报. 以前, 她为MADD撰写营销内容, Kaiser Permanente, 按摩嫉妒, 联合包裹, 以及其他民族品牌. She lives in the Phoenix area with her husb和 和 son, who is the best story she’s ever written. 

